We’re heading into that time of year again and already we’re seeing a large increase in calls for the dreaded boiler breakdowns!
Over the summer months, you won’t have been using your central heating much if at all. When the winter hits and you turn your central heating on for the first time in a while, you could be hit with a nasty surprise. You can avoid some of the main issues by following these top tips:

Bleed your radiators

By letting out any air inside your central heating system, you’ll keep your radiators kicking out heat efficiently. If the top of your radiator is cold then this is a sure sign that you need to bleed your radiators.
To do this, turn on your central heating system and wait for it to heat up. Check all of your radiators to make sure that they’re all hot from top to bottom. If you find cold spots then turn off your heating and wait for it to cool down.
You’ll need a radiator key for this next part – you can buy radiator keys for a pound or two from any hardware store. Insert the radiator key into the valve at the top corner of each radiator and turn it slowly to release the air inside. Have a dry cloth ready to catch any water. Once all of the air has escaped and water is pouring out, tighten the valve again. Once you have bled all of your radiators, you’ll want to move on to the next tip as the pressure may have dropped in your system.

Check your water pressure

When your heating system is cool, your water pressure gauge should be showing between 1 and 1.5 bars. If it’s below 1 bar, you’ll want to top up the pressure in your boiler. If it’s more than 1.5 bars then you will need to bleed your radiators until the pressure is in the correct range. See the previous tip for details of this.

Get your boiler serviced

If you’re not 100% confident in your central heating system due to noises, malfunctions or other warning signs then you’ll want to get your boiler serviced rather than wait for it to break down completely and leave you freezing.
We offer a comprehensive boiler service and we’re competitively priced. Give us a call on 0151 295 0038 or get in touch using our contact form.